Day of Wrath - submission for OST Fragments Jam #1 hosted by Resident // Cryptid

Day of Wrath - OST Fragments Jam 1

This soundtrack is free but the creator accepts your support by letting you pay what you think is fair for the soundtrack.

Included files

0950_Doug Stoothoff_Day of Wrath - submission for OST Fragments Jam #1 hosted by Resident-Cryptid for Itch.IO.mp3 (12 MB)
exedexes1 - Day of Wrath - MIDI File.MID (70 kB)
exedexes1 - Day of Wrath - OST Fragments Jam 1 DAW Screenshot Mixcraft Pro Studio 10.5.jpg (608 kB)
380 - Dies - Irae JPG ItchSize.jpg (217 kB)
exedexes1 - Day of Wrath - MuseScore Score PDF.pdf (696 kB)

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